Chrystel Lebas20 Octobre 2008, Après-Midi, 2008Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas21 Octobre 2008, Matin, 2008Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas25 Mai 2010, Après-Midi I, 2010Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas5 Mars 2009, Après-Midi, 2009Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas5 Mars 2009, Soir, 2009Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas6 Mars 2009, Matin I, 2009Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas6 Mars 2009, Matin II, 2009Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas6 Mars 2009, Soir I, 2009Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas6 Mars 2009, Soir II, 2009Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas6 Mars 2009, Soir III, 2009Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel Lebas7 Mars 2009, Matin I, 2009Études Bel-ValFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasAbyss 1, 2003AbyssFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasAbyss 11, 2003AbyssFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasAbyss 16, 2006AbyssFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasAbyss 3, 2003AbyssFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasAbyss 7, 2003AbyssFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBetween Dog and Wolf Untitled 10, 2005Between Dog and WolfFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBetween Dog and Wolf Untitled 11, 2005Between Dog and WolfFrom £980 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBetween Dog and Wolf Untitled 4, 2004Between Dog and WolfFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBetween Dog and Wolf Untitled 8, 2005Between Dog and WolfFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBetween Dog and Wolf Untitled 9, 2005Between Dog and WolfFrom £1,200 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBlue Hour 1, 2005Blue HourFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBlue Hour 2, 2005Blue HourFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBlue Hour 3, 2005Blue HourFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBlue Hour 4, 2005Blue HourFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBlue Hour 5, 2005Blue HourFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBlue Hour 6, 2005Blue HourFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasBlue Hour 7, 2006Blue HourFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasPresence, Untitled 30, Risnjak, Kupa, 2010The Winter Editions£500 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting - Scirpus [Bolboschoenus]maritimus. Plate n°1075, Arrochar, December 2013 (High tide). 56°12.342’N 4°45.038’W, 2013RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting Betula alba var. parviflora wood Aviemore Plate n°1243, Aviemore, Rothiemurchus, October 201157°8.811’ N 3°50.001’ W, 2011RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting Dunes Saunton Plate n°647, Saunton Sands, July 2016 51°5.914’N 4°13.077’W, 2016RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting Loch an Eilein with Nuphar pumila & Pinus Plate n°1239, Aviemore, Rothiemurchus, August 2014 57°8.749’ N 3°49.010’ W, 2014RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting Loch Long from Glen Loin. No Plate, Arrochar, May 201256°14.298’ N 4°43.905’ W, 2012RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting Loch Long from Glen Loin. Plate n°1255, Arrochar, December 2013. 56°13.544’ N 4°43.720’ W, 2013RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting Pinus silvestris [illeg.]. Plate n°1245, Aviemore, Rothiemurchus, August 201257°8.691’N 3°50.304’ W, 2012RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting Potamogeton polygonifolius. Plate n°1253, Arrochar, May 201456°13.413’N 4°43.808’W, 2014RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting Rothiemurchus fen view Plate n°1241, Aviemore, Rothiemurchus, October 2013 57°9.527’ N 3°47.467’ W, 2013RevisitingFrom £1,400 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting – V. vitis-idaea on remains of Pine bole in Rothiemurchus Forest – Plate n°1365 Rothiemurchus, October 2011 57°10.076’N 3°39.929’W, 2011RevisitingFrom £980 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting – V. vitis-idaea on remains of Pine bole in Rothiemurchus Forest – Plate n°1365 Rothiemurchus, October 2011 57°10.076’N 3°39.929’W, 2011RevisitingFrom £980 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRe-visiting – V. vitis-idaea on remains of Pine bole in Rothiemurchus Forest – Plate n°1365 Rothiemurchus, October 2011 57°10.076’N 3°39.929’W, 2011RevisitingFrom £980 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests' details, Hoh Rain Forest #55, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests' details, Hoh Rain Forest #62, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Bogashiel Rain Forest #21, Olympic National Park, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Hoh Rain Forest #1, Olympic National Park, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Hoh Rain Forest #3, Olympic National Park, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Hoh Rain Forest #43, Olympic National Park, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Hoh Rain Forest #8, Olympic National Park, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Quinault Rain Forest #20, Olympic National Park, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine #26, Yakushima, 2017Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine #38, Yakushima, 2019Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT
Chrystel LebasRegarding Forests, Yakushima #18, 2017Regarding ForestsFrom £1,600 + VAT